Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Encontra-se aberto concurso para a atribuição de 1 Bolsa de Investigação de Doutoramento no âmbito do projeto “ArchLabour – Architecture, Colonialism and Labour. The role and legacy of mass labour in the design, planning and construction of Public Works in former African territories under Portuguese colonial rule” (2024-2028), sob orientação da Investigadora-Coordenadora Ana Vaz Milheiro
Projeto fotográfico revisita as antigas estradas de Lisboa e apresenta-se em exposição e numa publicação. O projeto foi desenvolvido em parceria do DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte com o Movimento de Expressão Fotográfica. No dia 10 de setembro será apresentado ao público juntamente com a inauguração de uma exposição que estará patente no Museu da Ciência e da História Natural.
about us
We conduct pluridisciplinary research in Social Sciences under three main areas of research: Innovation and Labour; Cities and Territories; Governance, Economy and Citizenry.
Currently we have over 200 researchers, including around 100 PhDs and a large number of young research fellows. The Centre is a part of Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon, and a member of several national and international networks and observatories.
Research Groups
The Observatory focuses on three areas of study - youth unemployment, quality of youth employment, and labour market policies directed at young labour market participants. The project's central objective is to produce publications that highly impact society, namely reports and policy briefs, and to provide regularly updated key data.