Mapping the actuality of the theorectical foundations of contemporary urban form thinkers
Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
News Archive
Sustainability in Portuguese Architectural Higher Education: its contribution to the social role of
Commercial Aquaponics Approaching the European Market: To Consumers' Perceptions of Aquaponics P
From Natur(e) to Architectural Matter
Over Troubled Water: E-Health Platforms and the Protection of Personal Data: The Case of Portugal
A Collaborative learning space: methodologies for intervention in public space
De Lisboa a Luanda, biografia comparada de dois bairros modernos: da forma ao contexto
The Place of Architectural Design Studios in Portugal in Response to the Bologna Agreement
Territórios Metropolitanos Contemporâneos
Food-pics-PT: Portuguese validation of food images in 10 subjective evaluative dimensions
Extreme Cold Conditions Architecture - An Antarctica's Shelter Prototype
Performance-based Selection of Sustainable Construction Solutions for External Walls
Wage differentials within a female dominated occupation: Domestic workers in informal and flexible j
Quatro décadas entre o sonho e a realidade: a Casa da Juventude de Beja
Between the Shadow and the Geometry of Light: Hestnes Ferreira in continuity with Louis Kahn
El Proyecto Troika en Portugal: media, resistencia y vulnerabilidad
Memory of Space and Place - Tourism as factor of life or death of cities
The Skills of European ICT Specialists
O Projeto Troika de narrativas audiovisuais em Portugal: media, resiliência e vulnerabilidade
Análise multicritério das técnicas de reforço locais: aplicação ao frontal de edifícios Pombalinos