Title: Paio, A., Viana, D., Nunes, L., Guterres, A., Brito, M. (2017), A Collaborative learning space: methodologies for intervention in public space , IV Conference of Regional and Urban Planning and International conference of Community Participation in Planning Emarmus+ Project. Participation in Planning and Public Policy, FEB 23-24, 2017.
Date: 2017
Publisher: IV Conference of Regional and Urban Planning and International conference of Community Participation in Planning Emarmus+ Project. Participation in Planning and Public Policy
Publication type: Publication in conference proceedings
Research Project: N.A.
Abstract: The proposed paper will present a summary of the results of a innovative multidisciplinary architecture course that introduce students to emerging fields, anticipating the paradigm shift on how architects will address the professional in the world crossed by profound changes in economic, social, cultural and technological areas. People in complex urban settings embrace patterns of coexistence and social inclusion and they tend toward cooperation or conflict. So, the real challenge of the future is: how can people live better through their active participation and contribution to the future of the cities? And How concepts such as DIY (do it yourself) or DIWO (do it with others) are emerging as a new means of small collective movements in cities can be embraced? These transformations assume multiple forms and involve diverse actors and tools. Technologies are reshaping social relations and constituting new collaborative learning spaces (Latham & Sassen, 2005).