Title: Saraiva, A., Pires, R. (2017), Quatro décadas entre o sonho e a realidade: a Casa da Juventude de Beja , ACTAS ICONO14 – V Congresso Internacional Cidades Criativas, Porto, JAN 25-27, 2017.
Date: 2017
Publisher: ICONO14 – V Congresso Internacional Cidades Criativas
Publication type: Publication in conference proceedings
Research Project: SFRH/BPD/111869/2015
Abstract: This article is in line with Architecture and the inherited city. Based on research the Beja Youth House of Culture, by Hestnes Ferreira Architect, we will present the building space as a cultural heritage for the city. Inspired by innovative, social and cultural values, the purpose of its creation was to meet a more democratic culture based on a community model and active participation. The purpose of this article is to present assumptions about the value of the built heritage, which can promote the emergence of Cultural and Creative Industries in small cities. This article starts from the conceptually of Cultural and Creative Industries and the relations between place and creativity that drive the phenomenon of the Creative Cities. Although the concept of Creative Cities has arisen in association with large urban cities, in this qualitative research we will observe the creativity associated to small cities and/or rural characteristics and the contribution of architecture in this context. Following we will relate the Architecture, as subsector of the Cultural and Creative Industries, with the social and cultural dynamics of a territory. Finally, based on the innovative and differentiating purposes of the architecture and the creation of the building, we present activities that articulate the action of the cultural actors with the local communities.This article is in line with Architecture and the inherited city. Based on research the Beja Youth House of Culture, by Hestnes Ferreira Architect, we will present the building space as a cultural heritage for the city. Inspired by innovative, social and cultural values, the purpose of its creation was to meet a more democratic culture based on a community model and active participation. The purpose of this article is to present assumptions about the value of the built heritage, which can promote the emergence of Cultural and Creative Industries in small cities. This article starts from the conceptually of Cultural and Creative Industries and the relations between place and creativity that drive the phenomenon of the Creative Cities. Although the concept of Creative Cities has arisen in association with large urban cities, in this qualitative research we will observe the creativity associated to small cities and/or rural characteristics and the contribution of architecture in this context. Following we will relate the Architecture, as subsector of the Cultural and Creative Industries, with the social and cultural dynamics of a territory. Finally, based on the innovative and differentiating purposes of the architecture and the creation of the building, we present activities that articulate the action of the cultural actors with the local communities.