As cidades da cidade | Lisboa exibida VI Ciclo de Conferências LISBOA XXI | Antologia de Ensaios | Exposição
11 Maio de 2017 | 16H15 Auditório C103 e Sala de Exposições – ISCTE-IUL
Coordenação: Paula André Organização: DINÂMIA’CET-IUL
In the year in which Lisbon is the Ibero-American capital of culture, under the sign of the past and the present, voted best city design 2017 by the British magazine Wallpaper, within the scope of curricular units: "Lisbon: breaks and continuities" Architecture; "Lisbon: times and spaces of the metropolitan dynamics" of the PhD in Architecture of the Contemporary Metropolitan Territories, History of the Master's Degree in Entrepreneurship and Culture Studies, and under the coordination of Paula André, the VI Conference Cycle LISBOA XXI / Anthology of Essays / Exhibition - "The cities of the city: Lisbon exhibited", it is proposed to reveal the visual and discursive instruments of the urban and architectural culture of the city of Lisbon. To do this we will take privileged sources (books, magazines, catalogs, newspapers, guides, leaflets, postcards, films, documentaries ...) that reveal the mechanisms and meanings of the exhibition of the urban and architectural body, assuming that the city itself will always be the main source Primary, allowing the comparative dimension of what was, what could have been, what is, and what could be, also highlighting spaces and times of transition.
16:15 Abertura do VI Ciclo de Conferências LISBOA XXI Auditório C103, ISCTE-IUL, Edf II Paula André (Coordenadora) André Caldas (Presidente da Junta de Freguesia de Alvalade)
16:30 Ser um museu de cidade hoje: de Museu da Cidade ao Museu de Lisboa António Miranda ( CML-DMC-DPC-Divisão de Salvaguarda de Património Cultural)
17:00 Barronhos – Quem Teve Medo do Poder Popular? (1976) Luís Filipe Rocha (Realizador)
17:30 Paisajes culturales: la ciudad y el cine. Cursos de la Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura de Zaragoza Ricardo Lampreave (Universidad Zaragoza)
18:00 Debate
18:30 Inauguração da Exposição Sala de Exposições, ISCTE-IUL, Edf II (Itinerância – a exposição seguirá para a Universidade de Évora)
19:00 Lançamento da Antologia de Ensaios
19:30 Porto de honra