CULTURE LX | Strategic definition and reflection on the cultural sector in Lisbon
Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
News Archive
Impact Evaluation of the European Structural and Investment Funds (FEEI) on Companies Performance
The collective bargaining and representativeness of temporary workers in Europe
DGARTES - Follow-up study of Artistic Structures supported by DGArtes
PLATAFORMAS – Technological platforms and emerging business models: new modes of value creation and
The modalities and territorial expressions of Lisbon's gentrification
ESF - Supporting Youth in Portugal, CIE of Vocational Training and Traineeships
OpenEc - Economics and the “real-world”: the case of the Portuguese Memorandum
Evolution and Profiles of Divorce in Binational Couples in Portugal (1988-2013)
The Site of Discourse
LLM | Homes for the biggest numbers: Lisbon, Luanda, Macao
BANCA – Igualdade de Género na Banca
RegC&T- Regulating S&T risks in the era of social networks
EIRO Observatory 2014-2015 - Provision of scheduled and on-request reporting services – Network of C
MEMO | Evolution of the Lisbon metropolitan area metabolism. Lessons towards a Sustainable Urban Fut
PERIURBAN | Peri-urban areas facing sustainability challenges
ACA | Academia para a Coesão nos Açores
REV | Rester en Ville
Estudo dos Fenómenos Migratórios em Portugal: 2014-2030