2nd International Seminar Architectures of the Soul Arquitecturas da Alma 8th - 9th November CALL FOR ABSTRACTS UNTIL 15th June The 2nd International Seminar Architectures of the Soul (Arquitecturas da Alma) aims at promoting the scientific study and discussion around the architecture and landscape associated with religious and spiritual practices grounded in the experience of seclusion and solitude. Building up on similar studies conducted across the Mediterranean, the conference will establish the platform for a multidisciplinary approach of the subject: history, architecture, landscape architecture, cultural heritage, art history, among others, including a strong emphasis in digital surveys methods and technology applied to religious architecture. SEMINAR WEBSITE ::::::: Call for Papers The organizers of the conference would like to invite authors to submit an abstract of recent and unpublished works. The conference will be structured around four thematic main sessions with 20 min paper presentations and time for questions and discussion: - History of Eremitical/Monastic Life; - The Materiality of Eremitical/Monastic Experiences; - Protection and Safeguard of Eremitical/Monastic Heritage; - Digital Survey in Eremitical/Monastic Landscape and Architecture Abstracts must be completely anonymous with no references to the name or affiliation of the authors, with no more than 300 words, written in English and submitted before 15th May 2018. After submission, all the abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and the authors of accepted papers will then be invited to submit their final papers. Full Papers must be submitted until 15th December after acceptance. Full Papers must be written in English, have between 8 to 10 pages, no more than 20 book references and formatted with the conference's template (available soon). Submit your abstract here Any doubts or questions please feel free to contact us at arquitecturasdaalma@gmail.com​ All speakers and audience will be required to register for the Seminar here: https://tinyurl.com/yde2u6ke