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TRAJECTÓRIAS | Trajectórias residenciais e metropolização: continuidades e mudanças na AML

Research Group



The project's overall objective is the study of residential trajectories of the inhabitants of Lisbon Metropolitan Area (LMA), born between 1935-1985. However, given the need to deepen knowledge about the ongoing changes that could form the basis of a restructuring of the logic of the contemporary metropolis, priority will be the analysis of the younger generations: those born between 1965-1985 and whose entry in adulthood and residential autonomy will likely already occurred after the EU accession, the emergence period of the main indicators of modernity.

Period: 2010 - 2013

Funding Institution: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Coordination: Isabel Guerra

DINÂMIA'CET-IUL Team: Sandra Marques Pereira, Ana Cristina Ferreira, Teresa Costa Pinto, Paulo Marques (BI 2010-2011); Marta Coto (BI 2011-2012).

External Team: Catherine Bonvalet (consultant)


Books - 1; Peer-reviewed articles – 2 international; 3 national; Presentations at scientific meetings – 2 international; Organization of scientific events – 1 international.


Updated: 02/02/2018


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