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BARÓMETRO III | Barómetro das pessoas em situação vulnerável – Fase III

Research Group

Website: n.a.



A team has been conducting, since 2011, a longitudinal study, with a qualitative approach – Barometer of People in a Vulnerable Situation – within the framework of the Fight Against Poverty in the City of Lisbon Observatory, promoted by EAPNPortugal. With three sets of interviews it was possible to follow up on the same group of people in a vulnerable situation through time, meeting the research goals, specifically: detecting vulnerability processes concerning different poverty profiles and their repercussions in the life path; analysing individual resources and activation provisions aimed to building economic and living autonomy; and evaluating the impact of socioeconomic, political and institutional dimensions underlying resource production and the opportunities granted to subjects. Interviewee selection criteria were based on two axes: vulnerability profiles that other studies had shown to predominate in the city of Lisbon with a view of grasping the diversity of situations and evaluating the impact of social policies in terms of vulnerability situations characteristics; and the territorial axis, where two areas in Lisbon were identified due to the higher socioeconomic indexes and differing in terms of youth/aging index and type of housing. Given these three axes, a profile distribution was obtained as follows: poor, unemployed workers; female informal caregivers; elders in a vulnerable condition, unable to work due to illness and unaffiliated.

Period: 2016 - 2017

Funding Institution: REAPN – Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza

Coordination: Sónia Costa

DINÂMIA'CET-IUL Team: Marta Santos, Isabel Guerra (consultant)



Updated: 31/01/2018


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