The final activity of the TRANSHERITAGE project – “Projection” – took place in Torrão, on
November 23 2024, joining the Portuguese and the Norwegian teams, in order to present
the project results to the community.
In the morning, at Espaço AQUI (belonging to Convento da Terra) the project coordinators
– Rolando Volzone (Portugal) and Justin Kroesen (Norway) – presented the results of the
activities carried out in both territories – Portugal (in Torrão) and Norway (in Fana) –,
followed by a round table with Jan Ove Fjell Tveit and Trygve Nesse (members of the
diocese of Fana) and moderation by Justin Kroesen.
The afternoon activities, preceded by a community lunch served at Espaço AQUI, began
with a conversation about the current situation and the future of Torrão, led by Mário
Caeiro (Associação TARS). Afterwards, Carla Duarte, Laura Pomesano and Sofia Macedo
(transHERITAGE project) invited the community to guide a tour around the parish, showing
the major points of interest. The day ended with the presentation of the book “Art as
Gestation of the Public Sphera”, by José Guilherme Abreu, and with the opening of the
final exhibition of the TRANSHERITAGE project, curated by Thierry Ferreira.