Kine[SIS]tem - From Nature to Architectural Matter, International Conference and Kine[SIS]tem - Shading Systems Summer School. The first moment "Kine[SIS]tem - From Nature to Architectural Matter, International Conference" is composed by two days (June 19th and
Kine[SIS]tem International Conference
19 - 20 june
Kine[SIS]tem International Conferece + Summer School, is an international event formed by two interrelated moments: Kine[SIS]tem - From Nature to Architectural Matter, International Conference and Kine[SIS]tem - Shading Systems Summer School. The first moment "Kine[SIS]tem - From Nature to Architectural Matter, International Conference" is composed by two days (June 19th and 20th) of international conferences given by some of the most relevant experts (keynotes to be announced) in the areas of the [SIS] themes, complemented with four sessions of the presentations of the selected papers.
The second moment "Kine[SIS]tem - Shading Systems Summer School", matchs the full Summer School program, starting with the international conferences and continuing for more ten days (June 19th and 30th), including masterclasses, design studio and construction.