The first event from “COST Action MCMH-EU” took place between 27th to 30th of November, at Haifa-Israel, in collaboration with Technion - Israel Institute of Technology. Researchers from 30 different countries, participating in the Action, went to Haifa. “Re-Theorizing Housing” have discussed the research carried by MCMH-EU Action Participants and the local IIAS Research Group through different activities, including working seminars, workshops, keynote lectures and Action meetings.
The event started with greetings from Yasha Grobman, from the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, Technion, and a keynote lecture “Modern Architectures and the Zionist Project”, held by Alona Nitzan-Shiftan. It was followed by two workshops, “Words of Housing: Terms for an Architectural Manifesto”, held by IIAS Research Fellows. The day was closed with a keynote lecture by Yael Allweil: “Why Housing? Israel - Palestine as a Housing Enterprise”.
On Thursday, Sandra Parvu opened the day with a keynote lecture “Housing is not Architecture! Debates within the French Administration and their Consequences on Building.” Later, the workshop “Housing is an Empty Word. Talking to Yona Friedman” was held by Jesse Lockard. MCMH-EU Seminar started after lunch, presenting case studies from Italy, Spain, North Macedonia, Poland, Lithuania, Netherlands, France and Hungary. Then, a tour and lecture “Housing: Between Object & Field” is led by Gaby Schwartz.
On Friday, Ofer Rossmann and Rony Avitzour, from XS Studio, give a keynote lecture “eXtra Small Talk: Lexicon for Designing Dwelling”. This is followed by CG Meeting from MCMH-EU. In the afternoon, Parallel Sessions for WG Meetings took place.
The last day of the event started with a roundtable, composed by MCMH-EU Members and IIAS Research Fellows. In the afternoon, a Field Trip coordinated by Tzafrir Fainholtz closed the event.