Architecture and Infrastructures in Mozambique
Architect Luís Lage
Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique
December 20 | 10.00
Room AA3.23 | ISCTE-IUL
10:00 - Introduction and presentation
10:30 - Architecture and Infrastructures in Mozambique | Luís Lage
12:00 - Debate
12:00 - Closing
The conference is organized as part of the "Coast to Coast - Late Portuguese Infrastructural Development in Continental Africa (Angola and Mozambique): Critical and Historical Analysis and Postcolonial Assessment" project, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).
The research project, described below in its generic objectives, seeks to analyze how the infrastructures of Angola and Mozambique during the colonial period had repercussions on the configuration of their territories after independence, by identifying three main programs with strong transformative potential : (i) transport networks (highways, ports, railways and airports); ii) production of hydroelectric energy (dams and equipment); (iii) settlements associated with the exploitation of natural resources (mineral and agricultural).
With seminars like this one, it is intended to reflect on the repercussions of the decisions taken by the colonial states in the area of territorial infrastructure - namely through the disciplines of architecture and urbanism - in post-independence models of development and the formation of new countries with colonial past.
Luís Lage has advanced training in "Survey, Analysis and Representation of Architecture and Environment". Experience accumulated in teaching and management at various levels of training. He has held the position of Director of the Faculty of Architecture and Physical Planning of Eduardo Mondlane University, where he is Professor in the thematic area of Graphic Representation. His main areas of research are on human resettlement processes and analysis of architectural typologies. He is the author and co-author of several books on Mozambican architecture, Maputo cases, Architectural Heritage (2012) or Beira, Architectural Heritage (2014), among others.