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Young generations trapped in hybrid lifestyles: Challenges in ways of living and working towards the urban green care in Lisbon and Oslo

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Northern European countries have been catalysts of many generational and social transformation dynamics, including new ways of sharing (e.g., housing, workplaces, mobility). Southern European countries have been following these trends at their own pace. In both, young people are experiencing the spatio-functional, social and digital shifts, while facing great difficulties accessing a house and a job with a proper income. In parallel, they are being asked to devote increased attention to urban green care.

Focusing on hybrid trends on living and working (e.g. cohousing and coliving
and multifunctional spaces of working), we aim to understand which resilient values and survival strategies young adults (20-35 years old) of Lisbon and
Oslo are adopting, and how such strategies intersect with urban green care. 
The goal is to understand the hybrid urban lifestyles and the blockages of a generation that, despite being one of the best prepared to face the new challenges of the digital transition, is being sacrificed by the urban economic extractive model.

A comparative study will be carried out through participatory action research. This includes fieldwork conducted in both cities; participatory workshops with different stakeholders; a joint seminar to discuss and share findings and good practices; an open-access publication. This bilateral initiative will promote the cooperation, exchange and sharing of knowledge and networking between Norwegian and Portuguese entities, identifying best practices and producing useful policy recommendations for common problems.




Hybgen Opening Session

Screening of Ânia Bento's film "Uma situação temporária"

followed by a talk with the director and Sandra Salvado


Hybgen Workshop Series

#1 May 11, 2024 @ Centro de Inovação da Mouraria, Lisbon

#2 July 12, 2024 @ Centro de Informação Urbana de Lisboa, Lisbon

#3 May 22, 2024 @ BIT Innovasjons Senter, Oslo

#4 May 23, 2024 @ SoCentral, Oslo


Hybgen Joint Seminar Lisbon-Oslo

Key insights from the Lisbon and Oslo workshops

Round Table Shaping a fair and sustainable city: how to support

young adults in overcoming housing, work, and mobility challenges?


Hybgen "90 Segundos de Ciência" (Antena 1) 

Maria Assunção Gato – Projeto HybGen estuda como os jovens se relacionam com um estilo de vida híbrido

Hybgen News




Maria Assunção Gato


Maria Assunção Gato has a PhD in Cultural and Social Anthropology from NOVAFCSH. Currently she is a researcher and deputy director of DINÂMIA'CET-Iscte, integrating the Cities and Territories research group. Her research encompasses diverse areas, including housing and urban dynamics, social recompositions, and collaborative public art. She also explores emerging trends such as creative tourism and new models of living and working. She is the director of the journal CITIES, Communities and Territories and Co-coordinator of Thematic Line 1 - Regenerative Territories for Carbon Neutrality of the SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy.

Mina Di Marino


2018 - on-going Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning

2024 Member of the Doctoral Program committee (Society, Development and Planning - SDP), Faculty of Landscape and Society, NMBU

2024 - 2026 Member of the AESOP Excellence Education Board

2019 - ongoing Leader of Centre for Landscape Democracy (CLaD) | NMBU 


Current research interests

Multi-locality of Working (working in multiple places, such as public library, home, office, coffee shop, shared workspace and public transportation) and Multi-locality of Living (using second home for job-related reasons) in urban and regional planning, including rural contexts. This research includes studies on Multifunctionality, Digitalization and Publicness/Privateness of urban spaces, 15’ city concept. Sharing (of spaces, service and mobility), Hybridization and Circular approaches to planning.  Nature within urban development and climate changes, with a major focus on Green Infrastructure, Ecosystem Services and Nature-Based-Solutions in regional and urban planning (from strategies to practices).  She has conducted her research in Italy, Canada, Finland, and Norway. The most studies appeared on leading journals such as European Planning Studies, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Progress in Planning, as well as Routledge, Edward Elgar and Springer publications.


Susana Batel


My research adopts a critical interdisciplinary perspective to examine the relationship between people, the territory and the climate crisis, specifically around energy transformations towards carbon neutrality, and related socio-environmental justice and political participation issues. I am also generally interested in how discourse and communication relate with social change and resistance. I am Co-Editor of the journal Papers on Social Representations and Co-coordinator of Thematic Line 1 - Regenerative Territories for Carbon Neutrality of the SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy.


Elisabete Tomaz


Elisabete Tomaz holds a PhD in sociology from the School of Sociology and Public Policy of ISCTE_IUL. She is an assistant researcher at DINÂMIA'CET-Iscte (research group Cities and Territories) and an invited professor at different universities.
She is engaged in interdisciplinary and action-research across design, communication, and sociology, focusing on analysing and evaluating territorial sociocultural dynamics. Through her participation in various national and European projects, she has developed expertise in collaborative, open, and user-centric innovation, as well as impact assessment methodologies. She has also contributed to the design and development of several sectoral studies and strategies for evaluation and policymaking. She is also a member of several international research networks, such as the COST ACTION CA18214 - The Geography of New Working Spaces and the Impact on the Periphery (2019-2024).




Hybgen Workshop Series #1

11.05.2024 | Centro de Inovação da Mouraria

Hybgen Joint Seminar Lisbon-Oslo

24.10.2024 | Heden Coworking Santa Apolónia

Cuidar para Viver: Interseções entre a Habitação, a Sustentabilidade e a Saúde

18.11.2024 | Iscte

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