Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Visiting Researcher
Paz Núñez-Martí (Madrid, 1971) PhD in Architecture (Univ. Politécnica Madrid, 1998); Technical Specialist in Heritage Recovery and Rehabilitation (Univ. Politécnica Madrid, 2000) and Technical Specialist in Development Cooperation (Univ. Politécnica Madrid, 2005). PhD in Architecture (Univ. Politecnica Madrid, 2016) and currently Phd from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Univ. Alcalá (2002-act). She coordinates the area of Habitat and Territory of the Research Group applied to development cooperation COOPUAH. She has been Technical Advisor to the Madrid City Council for the shanty town settlement of Cañada Real (2015-2019) and currently conducts applied research on spatial justice, urbanism and citizenship from various civic platforms with political impact in the city of Madrid.