Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Teresa Madeira da Silva

Integrated Researcher
research interests
Housing, housing programs, ways of living, urbanism of Portuguese origin, Portuguese origin African cities, suburbs / urban fringe, teaching methodologies and architectural design.
Short Bio
Architect, PhD in Architecture and Urbanism (ISCTE-IUL). Associate Professor with Aggregation at the Department of Architecture and Urbanism (ISCTE-IUL), and researcher at DINÂMIA-CET-Iscte. Director of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism at Iscte and Director of the PhD in Urban Studies at Iscte (joint doctorate between Iscte-IUL and FCSH-UNL). I am part of the teams of two research projects: UrbanoScenes. Postcolonial imaginaries of urbanization in prospective research. Portugal and Angola. (until 2025-01-14) and CLI-CC.HE - Climate change, cities, communities and health equity. Erasmus + project, (until 2024-01-02). Received (1989) the Valmor and Municipal Architecture Awards in co-authorship. He coordinated a research project for the Institute of Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU), which resulted in a service provision contract between Iscte and IHRU. He was part of the team of a research project called Grandes Trabalhos. Architectural and urban planning operations after the 1998 Lisbon International Exhibition (coord. Paulo Tormenta Pinto). She was the intern provider at the Order of Architects between 2014 and 2016.