Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Pedro Costa

Integrated Researcher
research interests
Urban and Regional Planning; Territorial Development; Cultural Economics; Creativity, Culture and Territory; Urban Studies
Short Bio
Pedro Costa is Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Economy in ISCTE-IUL (Lisbon University Institute) and Director of DINAMIA'CET, where he coordinates the research line "Cities and territories". Economist, PhD in Urban and Regional Planning, has worked mainly in the areas of cultural economics, territorial development and planning, focusing on his recent research, among other aspects, the role of cultural activities in territorial development, the relations of creative dynamics with territories, or local development promotion strategies. Has collaborated on several projects, particularly in the areas of planning, regional/local development and cultural activities.
Current projects
ARTSBANK - Creative milieus at "Margem Sul": triggering territorial development through co-creation of knowledge in the contemporary metropolis
Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition / Sp
Estudo de Impactos da Atividade da Associação Artemrede - Fase I