Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Muriela Pádua

Associate Researcher
research interests
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy; Management of Science and Technology, Biomedical innovation; Risk Governance and energy markets
Short Bio
I obtained my PhD degree at the University of Brighton. The thesis was entitled “The structure of ill-structured problems: the discovery of an HIV vaccine”. Then, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at SPRU – University of Sussex, UK where I did research on regional policy. Afterwards, I was awarded a five years FCT research contract, at Instituto Superior Técnico. There, I worked on the topic of rationality and emergence and governance, in the context of biomedical innovation, with a particular emphasis on neglected diseases. Now, I am doing research on heuristics used in discovery processes, within the context of the new scientific approaches emerging in the life sciences and the governance models which can promote them.