Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Maria da Paz Campos Lima

Integrated Researcher
research interests
Sociology of work and industrial relations: collective bargaining and social pacts; labour market regulations and flexibility; social protest, trade unionism and new social movements; austerity policies and change in employment and industrial relations.
Short Bio
PhD in Sociology in ISCTE-IUL. Expert on Sociology of Work and Industrial Relations. Teacher at University of Coimbra from 1992-1995 and at ISCTE-IUL from 1995 to 2012. At the present, she is a Senior Researcher at the research centre DINÂMIA'CET– IUL, within which she has been a researcher since 1992. Correspondent of EIRO national team of the European network EIRO/EWCO of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions since 2006 and correspondent of EurWORK since 2014. Occasional collaboration, between 2007 and 2016 with the Department of Sociology of Copenhagen University, offering the course Globalization and Employment Relations in Europe. At the present associated researcher of FAOS, Employment Relations Research Centre – Department of Sociology of the University of Copenhagen. Member of the Editorial Committee of the journal Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, since 2006. Member of the Editorial Committee of the journal “Revista de Derecho Social LATINOAMÉRICA, Editorial Bormarzo, Alabacete. Spain.