Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Maria Amélia Cabrita

Assistant Researcher
research interests
Architecture, Urbanism, Urban Morphology, Contexts of urban, geographic, historical, cultural and anthropological phenomena.
Short Bio
Architect by ESBAL, 1978. In a liberal profession, she developed projects in the schoolarship, social, paramilitary and housing areas. Currently with civil service reform, where she developed professional activity in the Direction of Infrastructures, Portuguese Air Force. Master's Degree in Architecture, ISCTE, 2008. Joined the ISCTE / FCSH Doctorate in Urban Studies, with the thesis project "The Economic Houses Program - the neighborhoods of Lisbon (1933-1950): morphology and contexts ". With Teresa Marat-Mendes, her mentor, she develops interest and research in the area of Urban Morphology, participating in international conferences and publishing articles in co-authorship and authorship.