Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Jorge Duarte Pinheiro

Associate Researcher
research interests
Succession/Inheritance Law, family property, juridical ways of transforming administration and transmission of real estate, Family Law, Children’s/Minors Law, domestic violence.
Short Bio
Jorge Duarte Pinheiro is an associate professor with aggregation at the Faculty of Law of the Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa), where he has taught since 1989 and of which he was director in 2014-2015. He obtained the aforementioned aggregation at the Faculty of Law of NOVA University Lisbon in 2019. As a professor and researcher, he is mainly dedicated to Family Law, Succession Law, Children or Minors Law, Paediatric Law, Elderly Law and the legal regimes of domestic violence and of filiation resulting from medically assisted procreation. He has taught undergraduate, master's and doctoral courses. As a member of "Grupo de Trabalho para a Propriedade Rústica", in 2024 he obtained praise from the Government of the Portuguese Republic for the work carried out in that committee (which included the co-authorship of three reports, preparatory to amendments to the law applicable to the structure and transfer of real estate located in Portuguese territory).
He is member of General Council and Pedagogical Council of “Centro de Estudos Judiciários” (school that ensures the initial training of Portuguese judges and public prosecutors), and was member of “Conselho Superior da Magistratura” (body responsible for the placement and evaluation of the Judges of the Judicial Courts) in 2003-2004.