Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Jorge da Rosa Neves

Integrated Researcher
research interests
Urbanism: Projective Dialectic between Architecture and Landscape Architecture. The Bairro de Alvalade, as a space for professional affirmation of Landscape Architecture in Portugal.
Short Bio
Graduated in landscape architecture (UTL / ISA) in 1993, currently holds public functions at the CM of Odivelas, where elaborates and coordinates urban redevelopment projects.Since 1993 has collaborated with architectural and engineering firms in the elaboration of projects for urban subdivision operations, hotel units, secondary schools, wastewater treatment plants and of spaces of ecological sensitivity.In 1999, designed the exterior spaces of "Escola EB 2,3 e Ensino Artístico de Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira Island", 1st proposal classified in Public Competition.