Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Joana Braga

Assistant Researcher
research interests
Urban Studies, Urban imagineries; situated urban practices; commons; cultural practices within city development.
Short Bio
Joana Braga is an architect and researcher. She has developed work at diferent territories, intertwining spatial, discursive, performative and pedagogical practices with the design of radical urban imaginaries. Her research focus on the political and social dimensions of the city, questioning both the fragmentation and the growing inequality of urban space. Braga is currently a Phd candidate in Architecture at ISCTE-IUL; member of DINAMIA’CET and GESTUAL (FA-UL). Braga is coordinator, curator and artist at the project TOPIAS URBANAS (urban topias), a commission from Maria Matos Municipal Theatre; member of baldio | performance studies, where she develops curating, editing and pedagogical practices. Graduated in 2005 from the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Lisbon (FAUL), she holds a Post-graduate degree in Bioclimatic Architecture at the same University (2012).