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Diana Soeiro

Integrated Researcher

research interests

Smart Cities; Sustainable Economic Growth; Spatial Planning Systems; Territorial and Urban Governance, Land Use; Health and Wellbeing; United Nations' 2030 SDGs Agenda

Short Bio

Diana Soeiro completed her Philosophy Ph.D. and undergraduate studies at Nova University of Lisbon (UNL). She conducted Post-Doctoral studies in Philosophy and Urban Studies (2012-2018, UNL); and at the European Union project ROCK – Regeneration and Optimization of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities (2017-2020). She has done historical and theoretical work on philosophical anthropology, architecture, urbanism, governance and smart cities. These works have led to emphasize the role of urban design, innovative governance strategies and intersectoral collaboration in the future of healthy smart sustainable cities. In 2017, she was appointed Honorary Ambassador for United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Portugal).

Current projects

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