Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Bruno Macedo Ferreira

Assistant Researcher
research interests
Agents of production and urban transformation; Architecture and urbanism; Housing, habitat and ways of living; Regional and Urban Development Policies
Short Bio
Master in Architecture (ISCTE-IUL, 2010). In 2011 he began his professional career at PROMONTORIO where has developed activity in planning and architecture. In 2011, he started a research activity in the project "The Colonial Offices of Urbanization - Culture and Architectural Practice" (PTDC/AURAQI/104964/2008). He was also a researcher between 2013-15 in the project "Housing for the largest number: Luanda, Macau "(PTDC/ATP-AQI/3707/2012). PhD Studentship FCT (2012-16) is developing the PhD research in Architecture of Contemporary Metropolitan Territories (ISCTE-IUL) "OPTIMISTIC SUBURBIA: a vision for the contemporary city. Critical reading on the urban-architectural configuration of the northern suburb of Lisbon"(SFRH/BD/80962/2011), which investigates the territorial, urban and architectural transformations that took place in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area between 1960 and 1986.