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Ana Cravinho

Assistant Researcher

research interests

Urban Regeneration; Architecture; Conservation and Rehabilitation of buildings; Public space in the contemporary city of Lisbon; Urban Sociology; Conflict and relations of power in pubic spaces;

Short Bio

Ana Cravinho holds a BA in Architecture, Urban Regeneration, Universidade Lusíada and a MA in Construction, Instituto Superior Técnico. She has also concluded a postgraduation in Urban Studies, Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa/ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa. In the last 20 years, she has worked in the conservation and rehabilitation of buildings and monuments; in the following areas of expertise: project, building site management, coordination of research projects, editing and organisation of national and international events.

In her academic career, Ana Cravinho has been developing research on the interaction between individuals and public space, categorically, through the analysis of the prevailing dynamics of appropriation in urban spaces, and the impact these constitute in spatial transformation and lifestyles. She is currently a PhD student in Urban Studies, developing the thesis: “Public Space – The Dynamics of Conflict.”

Current projects

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