Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
Alda Gonçalves

Associate Researcher
research interests
Social policies, Poverty and Social Exclusion, Cities and Territories
Short Bio
Alda Gonçalves is a Sociologist (Master in Sociology - ISCTE-IUL), Technical Advisor in the Institute for Social Security (Ministry of Solidarity, Employment and Social Security) and Researcher at DINÂMIA-CET. She is currently working on studies and monitoring social policy indicators (RSI). She has previously worked on the NAPincl Technical Team, in the Social Networks National Programme and in the Transnational Project Local Action Plans & Regional Action Plans (financed by the EU). She has represented the Institute in the Community Action Programme to Combat Social Exclusion, EU (2006) and also in research on Unmet Social Needs in Portugal, the results of which are published in the book À Tona de Água (2010).