25-26 of May, 10:00 to 18:00
Iscte and ICS, Lisbon
a two-day workshop dedicated to rethinking the relation between quality, value, and urban life, via a speculative, experimental, and creative approach
Notions of quality, happiness and value concerning urban life are as old as cities are. Many ancient and modern utopias have typically imagined their ideal of a happier, safer, healthier, and better life in an urban form. Regardless of the inequality, precariousness, stress, and violence that often characterise urban existence, cities keep holding this promise, translated in a widening array of imaginaries (smart, safe, healthy, green, beautiful, creative, resilient, etc.), and quantified via various indicators, most notably liveability indexes.iii Popularised by glossy magazines, branding campaigns and programmatic documents, such indexes reductively frame cities vis-à-vis quantitative standards that play a relevant role in orienting the way urban politics are planned, perceived, evaluated, and compared. As a result, global hierarchies of worthy and unworthy urban lives are drawn, whose colonial flavour is unmistakable.
25 May, ISCTE (Auditório Silva Leal, Ala Autónoma)
10.00 Meet up and coffee
10.30-13.00 1st Session
Urban Theory moderated by Andrea Pavoni
14.00-16.00 2nd Session
Urban Struggles moderated by Guya Accornero Coffee break
16.15-18.15 3rd Session
Urban Culture moderated by Ricardo Campos
26 May, ICS (Sala Maria de Sousa)
10.30-12.45 Micro-workshop with Irene Peano, Ana Rita Alves e Simone Frangella,
Thinking and living through the surrounds: Liminalities and extensions beyond inhabitability
Micro-workshop with Erik Bordeleau, The Derivative City
Coffee break
Walk Olaias-Marvila
The workshop is organised by Andrea Pavoni [DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte, iscte] and Lavínia Pereira [ICS], with the support of: Urban Transition Hub; FCT Project URBANOSCENES [PTDC/GES-URB/1053/2021]; DINÂMIA’CET-Iscte, Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon via the ‘integrating thematic line\creative and participative lives in empowered societies [coord. Alexandra Saraiva and Andrea Pavoni]