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Talk Real

Last November the Friedrich Ebert Foundation organized the "Reclaim Europe" conference in Lisbon to discuss various urban perspectives and transnational strategies. The moment was taken by European Alternatives to hear some of the local actors on the subject.

António Brito Guterres is a researcher at the DINÂMIA’CET – Centre for Socioeconomic and Territorial Studies of the Lisbon University Institute, Portugal. He works on the topics of urban commons, resistance, building alternatives, urban culture, and urban socio-changes. In the last 15 years, he has gained experience in various projects of territorial development, in particular as the director of the Vale da Amoreira Operation of the Critical Urban Areas Initiative, and as the coordinator of the Performance Arts Center in the same neighborhood. He currently works for the Aga Khan Foundation Portugal, focusing on issues such as participation, governance, education, youth, diversity, and pluralism.

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