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Cities and Territories

This Group focuses its research on the territorial dimensions of contemporary socioeconomic, environmental and cultural change, analysing its complex restructuring mechanisms at the light of their spatiality, their territorial embeddedness and their spatial-morphological dimensions, and framing them in the scope of the promotion of multidimensional sustainable development processes.

The strategy for deepening the knowledge about the dynamics of change in spatial and territorial terms is based on the acknowledgment of the diversity of logics, processes and actors that produce and appropriate these processes. This is always done from a triple perspective, involving (i) the analysis of the "dynamics" themselves; (ii) the understanding of the regulation/planning issues and the aspects related to urban/territorial action and “policy-making"; and (iii), a "reflexive" consciousness of the ways these spaces are worked and studied.


Pedro Costa

Thematic Lines:

2.1. Creativity, Culture and Territory;

2.2. Representations and discourse on architecture and territory;

2.3. Ways of Living, Society and Architectural Culture;

2.4. Recompositions, Metropolitan Change, and Housing;

2.5. Territorial Governance, Spatial Planning and Socio-spatial Intervention;

2.6. Urban Morphology and Sustainability

cities and territories



Recent publications

Approaches to Drawing in Architectural and Urban Design
New Working Spaces Typologies Beyond Core Cities
Territorios colonizantes
“Living like a local”: Turistificação do espaço urbano em portugal, alojamento local e resposta das políticas públicas
Construir entre Abitare gli spazi residuali di mezzacosta a Lisbona
A Monumentalidade Crítica de Álvaro Siza. Portfólio de Projeto Final de Arquitetura 2021/2022 – Iscte. Os casos de Matosinhos, Viana do Castelo, Vila do Conde e Chaves. (livro)
A Monumentalidade Crítica de Álvaro Siza (livro)
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latest events


Ciclo de Seminários

Ciclo de seminários VIVA ABRIL


Aula Aberta

Aula Aberta com a arquiteta Marina Tabassum - | Iscte - Ed. CVTT Aud. A306


Lançamento de Livro

No próximo dia 23 de abril às 18:30, vai ter lugar na Garagem Sul do Centro Cultural de Belém Lançamento do livro "Os Grandes Trabalhos e o Desejo da Cidade de Exceção" da autoria de Paulo Tormenta Pinto e Ana Brandão e editado pela Circo de Ideias.
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