Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
LabCPP will have a social impact in the local participation culture, as it will contribute to CPP’s works, to educate for civic participation and to democratize public policies of citymaking.
Also, it will contribute to expanding the network and knowledge of DINÂMIA’cet researchers which already work with participation, collaboration and innovation methodologies on citimaking. As well as to relationships between research and teaching, as it will stimulate students' engagement on its activities, specially from the Architecture and Urban Studies courses.
However, for an effective dissemination of results, a science communication plan will be prepared right at the beginning, detailing goals, channels and target audience. However, the listed actions for dissemination are previewed:
- Targeting the CPP, social innovation sector, researchers and citizens engaged in participatory processes, will be shared outputs such as: a digital and free access platform with CPP taxonomy, information infrastructures atlas, and relevant experiences; how-to-do infographics about CPP issues; toolkits created and used on call and protocols of collaboration.
- Targeting researchers and students are previewed: the publication of five papers (one per year) in reference indexed journals, discussing the experiences, methodologies, finds and obstacles perceived; a book, gathering lessons learnt with LabCPP activities and on missions abroad; articulated with the collaboration calls, there will be spring courses, stimulating relationships between students, researchers, and CPPs, also international conferences to stimulate discussion and publication on infrastructuring and urban pedagogy.
- Targeting public technicians and politicians, will be written policy reports for civic participation on citymaking, aiming to contribute with local and national policies. Efforts will be made in order to engage public technicians, influencing their internal work culture, for a long-term impact on public administration power openness to civil society.
- Targeting international partners, missions abroad and dialogue for exchanging knowledge will be prepared with international networks such as Educating Cities, Caring Cities, Ibero-American Network of Labs, International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD), European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL).