Research Group
Research Group
Research Group
The dissemination of results, both to academia and to society (citizens, experts, public policies and real estate players), is a key tool for achieving the Observatory's main objective: to be a reference in the study of current housing changes in LMA and in providing conceptually and empirically grounded knowledge for public debates on the subject, by pursuing/consolidating the trajectory earlier developed by the team. The starting point for the project's international dissemination is the translation of the contents produced (LxHabidata and Observatory).
The dissemination strategy is threefold and differentiated, but not mutually exclusive, depending on the target: A. Research; B. Education; C. Society.
A. Research Dissemination
A.1 Publication in high-impact journals (1/year)
A.2 Publication of a book by an international publisher in the last year
A.3 Annual conference presenting a specific report/study with the possible participation of international speakers; a conference is already planned (March 2024) to present the study on private renting (in progress) with the participation of Patrick Le Galès and Michael Byrne.
A.4 Presentation of papers at international conferences (2/year) (e.g. European Network for Housing Research; Global Affordable Housing Conference - World Bank; OECD Conferences)
A.5 Reinforcement of participation in international networks and consolidation of strategy for participation in international/EU projects; the coordinators are already part of the Incities project (European consortium led by ISCTE) following the acknowledgement of the quality of LxHabidata.
B. Dissemination in Education (University)
B1. Increase the number of master dissertations and doctoral theses with analyses based on LxHabidata and the Observatory/ 1st and 2nd cycle internships hosting
B.2 Creation of a Blended Intensive Program (BIP) on the themes and methodologies of the Observatory and LxHabidata (Biennial)
B.3 Preparation of a 2nd cycle course on Housing to begin in Phase 2 (consolidation)
C. Dissemination to Society
C.1 Annual conference with presentation of specific report/study (corresponds to action A3)
C.2 Design/dissemination of LxHabidata tutorial
C.3 Frequent news highlights
C.4 Policy Brief (2/year)
C.5 Annual report/study
C.6 LxHabidata training courses (short) / decentralized presentation sessions of the Observatory in cooperation with ISCTE's Institute of Public Policy
C.7 Continuation/strengthening of team members' participation in public debates on the subject (specialized forums, media - TV, Newspapers, Radio, Podcasts)
C.8 Creation of a Mailing List including agents from the sector for targeted dissemination of the Observatory's and LxHabidata's output/events (civic and sectoral associations, public and private bodies, companies; research centers; researchers; experts; opinion makers; politicians and advisors)
C.9 Promotion on social networks (already exists for LxHabidata)
NOTE: The entire dissemination strategy for society, and in particular its key moments/outputs (C1, C4, C5), must be developed in conjunction with the ISCTE's Communication Office, to maximize its media impact - dissemination in the reference/quality media (TV, Press, Radio).